Getting Married?

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My dream wedding dress is hanging in my closet and my first fitting is this Tuesday.  It’s a Tea-length dress and that’s about all that I’m going to tell you.  -You’ll just have to wait until August 3rd for pictures!

Just last weekend Alex Masterson asked me to be his wife and I said, “Yes!”  It was a perfect proposal with sunflowers and sunsets.  My fiancee is a wonderful romantic, and our engagement evening was perfect.  He had me confused all week as to when he was going to propose.

On Friday evening he told me that we were going to Salt Lake. On the way to the freeway, he asked if I wanted to see a little spot on the mountain that he’d been telling me about since we started dating.  I said “Yes” and wondered if this would be it!

We got out of the car and started to walk quickly up a little hill.  Alex told me that we would come to a fork soon and that he was going to take one way, while I went the other. He reassured me that we would meet on the other end.  The moment I saw sunflowers down my side of the fork, I knew he was going to propose.

I walked my little path, completely nervous.  This was the moment!  The moment that I had dreamed about my entire life!

There were little symbols on the road, representing different stages from our relationship.  The soup can represented the Andy Warhol exhibit I had asked him to; the post cards were from when we were far apart over Christmas, Sam the dragon car-pet!, a starbucks cup from our first date at Barnes and Noble with our names on it and the sock monkey I gave him for Valentine’s Day.

At the end of the path, up a little hill, was Alex on one knee.  We were looking out onto the valley and the sun was setting.  He took my hands and told me a story about me and the sun and then he asked me to marry him.  I said “yes” and hugged and kissed him.  I hugged our friends who had helped him and we all smiled and laughed for joy.  Alex then gave me a box with my favorite piece of cake from a dessert place in Orem called the Chocolate.

That night, Alex and I went out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I was too excited to eat. I think we watched a movie too, but I can’t remember.  All I know is that I was happy and in love with my ring.  But most of all, I was and still am in love with my Alex.

I want to thank our wonderful friends, Kristen Jensen and Michelle Sutterfield for making such a wonderful evening possible.  Thank you so much to Michelle for her stunning photography!  We love you ladies!

Here’s to converting this blog into a mushy Alex and Sariah party! -Don’t worry, you’ll still get posts from everyday living, but we’ll have to throw in a few family stories now and then, because that’s what we’re doing, we’re becoming a family, a Masterson family. xoxox



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6 Month Countdown [Issue 4] Stairs of Death

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I climb a mountain of stairs, every morning on my way to class and call them the stairs of death.  I’ve learned over time that I just have to take it slow or I will lose my breath.  It was difficult at first, learning to let every person pass me as I made my trek. –> I’m usually the fast walker…the one passing them; but not when it comes to the stairs of death; I’m the weak one then.

The best part about climbing the stairs of death is walking back down them after a long day.  Sometimes I want to run, but I just never do…I’m not sure why.  Maybe because I’m too tired from walking up them before and spending the whole day at school.



But I must tell you that the one morning that really made my day -even though I still had to climb the stairs of death; was when someone put up this poster: “Tired of Stairs?  Think of it like this…climbing up these stairs 12 times is like climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower.”  So that means that each week I so totally climb the Eiffel Tower.

Still not ecstatic about the stairs of death…but at least I only have two more months left of climbing till graduation!


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Which “Wich” Would You Pick?

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All Christmas break Alex and I had planned on going to “Which Wich?” when we got back.  All I knew was they made sandwiches and Alex knew that sandwiches were my favorite food. –it’s cheating I know…but I can’t ever make a final decision.  So after stopping by a wedding reception (typical BYU student activity) we set on our way to “Which Wich” in Orem, Utah.

I’ve decided that it’s now one of my favorite places.  Let me take a second to explain just exactly how the place works: You turn the corner and on the wall is a menu with several different types of sandwiches: turkey, breakfast, vegetarian…and below that are brown paper bags with red sharpies.  Each bag is numbered for the general type of sandwich and below are various options of condiments and sandwich style to make your meal your own.  You could even ditch the bread if you wanted and have it put in a bowl!

I was looking for something light that evening, so I went with the Vegetarian and Hummus, then marked my additional toppings.  Alex picked Huevos Rancheros and we both got Avacado. –is it just me or is eating avacado trendy all of sudden?  Then we turned in our bags and sat down to wait for the orders. It was late in the evening, so not many people were around; but I admired the bright atmosphere, complete with flatscreen TVs and copies of the daily newspaper.  When it was time for bon appetite, I was satisfied.  –Besides the added mushiness from the guac…I guess being trendy has its downsides…

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In the wee small hours of the morning…

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I think about this guy and smile. :]

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6 Month Countdown, [Issue: 3] Fall Finals Week

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The last day of classes have passed and so have most of my finals.  I only have one paper and one more test which is scheduled for Friday.  Till then I’ll be researching, writing and studying.

I totally gave in to my sweet-tooth last night and bought some ice cream; and tonight…well, sometimes dessert comes first.  After the evening meal I plan to review for Business Finance and then it’ll be off to bed.  I’m so glad I don’t have to work tomorrow.  Can you believe that in almost 4 months I’ll have my degree?  I’m still debating whether or not to keep living in Utah.  I guess that will depend on internships.

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Thanksgiving Break: Day 1

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Yesterday I drew a turkey on the back of my script at work…it was one of those cute ones they teach you how to make in kindergarten with your hand and it said “Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!”  I tried to take a picture but it was dark in the studio and it didn’t turn out right…I’ll try to draw you another one though.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and yesterday was the first day of Thanksgiving break at BYU.  (Technically today is, but yesterday I had no classes and Kristen and I decided to party) –Partying of course meant trying to win a gift card from for mmmm 30 minutes…and then, after discussing sauerkraut and mayonnaise, we came up with the brilliant idea of going to the movies!  We got ready and made it just in time for the 3:30pm showing of “Bourne Legacy” (at the dollar theater of course) and I’ve never been more completely satisfied with a film.  I have no idea why, but I left the theater feeling all “Rrraarrr!! That was awwesommme!” –probably the adrenaline from that sweet motorcycle chase scene.  Anyhow, I totally and completely recommend it and I’m definitely buying that one.

The original “Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!” drawing.

The rest of yesterday evening was spent eating pancakes and watching NaTausha play Lego Harry Potter until we got the bright idea to watch a Tinkerbell movie!!! I know, I know…this is all so silly, but the little flick was cute as can be and I’m totally showing it to my kids someday.   We ran over to the South End Market first to get some sodas and I bought a chocolate pie 🙂 After paying, Zach, the store owner and our awesome friend, said to us, “Let me guess…you guys are going home to watch Tangled?”  Hahahahahaha and Taush and I laughed and said “Yes…something like that”  because we felt so immature for watching Tinkerbell, but I don’t care, it was just as great.  It didn’t make me want to yell “Rrraarrr!!” afterwards, but it did get me in the mood for a restful good night’s sleep.

Ps: I had a dream last night that I moved into a house that was yellow and pink with flowers painted all over it.  It was down the street from this cool pizza restaurant and NaTausha’s parents had all my stuff in their car.

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Adventure Recap!

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My super cool library fort to study for my Business Finance Midterm

The ever cool media pass
First Snow
Candles we lit when the First Snow took the power out