Pickup Place: college is amazing

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I wrote this email home a few years ago about a group of friends living in the Pickup Place, a house in my neighborhood, and about my friends, Amber and Jordan.  They were musicians, comedians, actors, businessmen and creative geniuses.  Call them my mentors if you’d like, I aged years in just hours of conversation over business, music and politics.  I owe a lot of my ideas and success today to the support and example of these great people:

September 28, 2009

Pickup Place, the only house in our ward, was once inhabited by football players and random normal people.  They were interesting my freshman year because they were my FHE (Family Home Evening) brothers, the upstairs part at least-and these were the random normal people.  I love football, and football players, but I never really got to know them.  Last year, I think I had only one friend in Pickup and began to forget about that rundown house, with the ancient kitchen sink, and peculiar 6 rooms transformed to potentially house 12.  This year, my third year in BYU 22 (YSA Ward), is different.  It’s like something amazing happened, and I think it stems from some sort of magic within Joel Ackerman, once known as Mr. BYU, now a comic for Humor U and part of the Orabrush campaign…it’s like one film major was all it took to attract composers, musicians, marketing specialists, and other actors to this once forgotten abode in my BYU student existence.  Suddenly, it became a magical house of creativity and business.  A link to the outside world, but not through the boredom of stock markets or econ-the bain of my existence, no, through the curiosity of stand-up comedy, musical recording and all the potential of facebook advertising.

I’ve spent the past couple weeks playing with these people, these crazy guys.  Watching Joel compete for BYU’s Humor U stand-up comedy team-and he totally made it!, watching Joel’s brother, Dave compete in another stand-up club, playing my music for people, analyzing lyrics, and discussing the marketing methods behind Jeff’s project-The Orabrush.  Next, let’s not forget my amazing composer roommate: Amber Masterson.  A few days ago, she, our friend, Jordan Rose, and I played in a drumming circle of fantastic energy.  They were of course better than I, but it was so much fun.  She wants to write film scores and plays improv accompaniment for UVU dance classes.
Just being surrounded by all of this creative energy inspires me.  Moves me.  Excites me about the future and the possibilities of life.  I really want to look into some internships for this summer related to marketing, and I’ve been pondering finding some sort of company related to specific cultural groups…there’s gotta be a way to make money with all of my skills and interests rolled into one, I just have to find it…college is amazing.
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