Tourists are always on Vacation

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Tourists are always on vacation.  You might respond to this with a “duh” but it all made sense to me Saturday, on the commute to work:
 I traveled 45 minutes and rain-soaked on two city buses, to cross the cobble-stoned streets of Old Sacramento for Steamers, my favorite cafe.  At 11 AM the food is good, the people are nice and I can sit down to read my book.  Even the rain didn’t stop the usual bustle of weekend sock connoisseurs: Some had waited 2 hours for Curious George socks -it was someone’s birthday.  So I ate my pastry and drank hot chocolate in wet jeans and knee socks, ringing up pair after pair of World’s Softest and Sock it to Me specialties.  My Levis eventually dried and the cape socks continued to fly off the shelf…(no pun intended).  It was a good day, and reminded me of how even when it rains, vacation is vacation, so we might as well buy some socks…especially when they’re from Sock City.
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