Reading days and Bookstore packaging

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Y Mountain. Classes are ending, it's almost finals time!

As another BYU semester comes to a close, students are gearing up for one last hurrah over a reading day weekend.  “Reading Days” are the days that we’re supposed to be studying for the upcoming Finals week, and lots of students do, but not everyone.  I’ve got 7 events listed in my Facebook for Friday and Saturday alone, which means this social network at least, is all a buzz.  Too bad we aren’t Hornets…cause then I could totally make a pun out of that; but I guess you wouldn’t be laughing too hard.

In my case, I’ve got one more paper, and a large homework assignment to complete before I can even start dreaming about making it to any of those parties; but before I dive into the world of Stigmas, I’d like to mention the packing and shipping office in the basement of the BYU Bookstore.

It’s an odd little corner you can find just East of the art prints section.  Wander down the hall, you at first don’t seem to belong in, and turn left, right before entering the Book Store backstage employee-only warehouse.  It’s a small, white, cinder block room, with boxes on the wall and a counter with 3 or 4 computers and a bell.  I like to bring them white boxes covered in packaging tape.  The clerk weighs my packages at a $1.90 each, and I hand him a blue debit card in return.  And that’s how you send off 15 or so CDs to friends all around the world…or just the country.


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The definite upside of hanging out in the JFSB basement though, is leaving: not only because you've been in there forever, but also the endless amount of little text message and voicemail beeps that bleep all out of your precious little communication device as you climb up the stairs and into the real world.

Did we beat those Fresno Bulldogs last night?  Heck yes we did!!  The game was great and I was happy.  The breakdancer half-time show was even more exciting, and we all ate ice cream afterwards to celebrate, or more just because we like ice cream…

Apparently there was a boy scout jubilee on campus today, which explains why the sidewalks and corners were scattered with kids in uniform-cute.  I personally spent most of the day in the dungeons of the JFSB (Joseph Fielding Smith Building) working.  If there’s one thing everyone knows about the basement of the JFSB, it’s that cell-reception is hardly a possibility.  Maybe if you’re stand on the West side by an elevator, or just beside the doors to the East, but anywhere else and your phone is in “power save” mode; which is very practical for the phone, but definitely impractical for receiving calls and messages.

The definite upside of hanging out in the JFSB basement though, is leaving: not only because you’ve been in there forever, but also the endless amount of little text message and voicemail beeps that bleep all out of your precious little communication device as you climb up the stairs and into the real world.

On the other hand, downsides equal entering the JFSB basement when it’s light outside, and leaving when it’s dark…talk about depressing.  One sunny Saturday, practically wasted.


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