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The snow from the West has finally reached Utah Valley, and at 3 o-clock today, BYU campus was closed.  The last message I got said the basketball game was still on…but pretty positive it’s been post-poned by now.  Luckily most classes were finished by 3, and lots of people were already packing up to leave for home.  Flights have been canceled, though a few students still treked to Salt Lake as soon as possible.  I’ve made it safe, and so did a sister of mine, but let’s hope everyone else made it too.

Let’s get ready for a white Thanksgiving.  I think I just might be signing off for the next few days, unless I feel the urge to write about Creamery Ice Cream…it’s pretty amazing, just saying. 


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Rival Week

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Yep, they're wrapped and ready. Let's beat those Utes!

It’s rival week at BYU and they’ve covered all the statues in plastic wrap.  I hear it’s to deter pranks from University of Utah (U of U).  The big BYU vs. U of U football game is this Saturday and I’m sure lots of people are excited.  I’m not a big football fan, but don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the sport, I just like basketball a little more, and I’m a wimp when it comes to hanging out in the cold on metal bleachers for 3 hours.  No, I prefer 2 1/2 hours of “B! Y! U! COUGARS!” “AIR BALL” and “YOU’VE GOT SWATTED” just a little more.

In other news, classes end for the Thanksgiving break tomorrow, and by 5 PM I’ll be out of here and on my way home.  Only two more weeks of classes after turkey day and then it’s Finals and Christmas.  I’m sooo ready for a break.

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Dear Stranger

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Sal and I were working in the WILK today, when a table busser found a bunch of notes stashed in a plexiglas flyer holder on the table.  She handed two of them to me and I stuck them in my pocket for later.  In the office we pulled out the notes and found 2 letters addressed “Dear Stranger” and “Dear 1st and 2nd Strangers”.  The busser must have kept one because we only had letters from the 1st and 3rd strangers.  I read them aloud:

Letter #1

“Tomorrow I’m going to see Harry Potter which seemed like a good idea at the time, but now my roommate wants us to get in line at 3 pm, which is a bit extreme if you ask me. And that doesn’t give me any time to get into my costume or do my homework or buy candy. Plus, standing in the cold for NINE HOURS doesn’t really appeal to me.”

Letter #2

“Well, the 2nd stranger was right-this is very exciting to me. Actually, it’s made my day. So, 1st stranger, even if it isn’t going to work out with your boyfriend, I’m still glad you dated him because it led to him being a goob which led to you writing an anonymous letter which led to me reading it and getting all excited. I’m a romantic you see, so things like secret letter writing really floats my boat.”

These are only excerpts, I was going to type the rest, but they’re pretty long.  The first letter references dating troubles and Harry Potter, while the second talks about “Strangers #1 and #2”, responds to the dating troubles, and predicts the third stranger:

“Next stranger: I’m guessing you’re a senior majoring in biology, hoping to get in to Med School. Blonde, 5′ 10″, and secretly in love with Taylor Swift music.  And you have a dog.”

My favorite quote from letter #2 reads:

“To the 2nd stranger: I’m am thoroughly glad I sat by you. I actually hesitated to do so because you were writing a letter and I thought about how horrible I would feel if I spilled my water on it. Also, I must admit that I peeked and saw “Dear Stranger” written on the top and I was instantly curious. I could hardly believe my eyes when you left it behind with the label “Read Me”.”

Maybe I should leave a “Dear Stranger”.


ps-BYU beat Utah State in basketball last night. Loved it. GO COUGS!!

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The definite upside of hanging out in the JFSB basement though, is leaving: not only because you've been in there forever, but also the endless amount of little text message and voicemail beeps that bleep all out of your precious little communication device as you climb up the stairs and into the real world.

Did we beat those Fresno Bulldogs last night?  Heck yes we did!!  The game was great and I was happy.  The breakdancer half-time show was even more exciting, and we all ate ice cream afterwards to celebrate, or more just because we like ice cream…

Apparently there was a boy scout jubilee on campus today, which explains why the sidewalks and corners were scattered with kids in uniform-cute.  I personally spent most of the day in the dungeons of the JFSB (Joseph Fielding Smith Building) working.  If there’s one thing everyone knows about the basement of the JFSB, it’s that cell-reception is hardly a possibility.  Maybe if you’re stand on the West side by an elevator, or just beside the doors to the East, but anywhere else and your phone is in “power save” mode; which is very practical for the phone, but definitely impractical for receiving calls and messages.

The definite upside of hanging out in the JFSB basement though, is leaving: not only because you’ve been in there forever, but also the endless amount of little text message and voicemail beeps that bleep all out of your precious little communication device as you climb up the stairs and into the real world.

On the other hand, downsides equal entering the JFSB basement when it’s light outside, and leaving when it’s dark…talk about depressing.  One sunny Saturday, practically wasted.


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BYU basketball homegame opener. YES!

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It's going to be awesome.

BYU basketball is amazing, and a season only comes once a year…though that’s probably why they call it a season.  The homegame opener is TONITE, and I’m totally stoked.  Got a bunch of free tickets from a booth in the WILK this afternoon, after I changed my facebook profile and status of course, to advertise for the game, but hey, there’s few sports I jump up and down for, and basketball’s one of them.  I mean Cougar athletics are always a blast, but basketball’s what really gets me pumped.  Tonight’s a whiteout game, which means that everyone’s going to be wearing white.  I just love the energy of 22,700 people all packed into one arena.  The music, the cheers, the rattling of keys-and we better hear some of THAT by the end of tonight.  You’re going down Fresno!!  You’re going DOWN!

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